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Bachelor's Degree

Paramedic to BSN/ASN



20-28 Mo.








Bachelor's Degree

Paramedic to BSN/ASN

Bridge 从 paramedic to RN with Herzing University in 纳什维尔

认证Accredited by the Higher L赚ing Commission
度的途径Designed for current licensed paramedics to bridge to an Associate of Science in 护理 (ASN) or 护理学理学士 faster than a traditional program
格式In-person classes at our 纳什维尔, 田纳西州 campus + online gen eds
快速通道转移信用, stackable credentials, 和 adaptive l赚ing 技术 build a faster pathway to a higher education with Herzing University

A second home near you

Join a vibrant class of students 和 faculty e年龄r to help you find your way to a new career path.

Herzing University

纳什维尔 校园

(615) 206-2858
100 Centerview Dr
纳什维尔, TN 37214

护理 Bridge Options for Paramedics – 纳什维尔, TN

的 paramedic to RN educational pathway includes associate 和 bachelor's degree in nursing program options which prepare you for a career as a Registered Nurse (RN). Each 纳什维尔 campus program provides students with the fundamental knowledge 和 技能 to help you lever年龄 your experience as a paramedic into a career in nursing.

Career-focused curriculum

Discover the crucial knowledge 和 技能 required to succeed in your work 和 build a foundation for continued career growth.

Flexible schedule

We work hard to help you maintain school-life balance, striving to be as flexible as 幸运28计划 for busy non-traditional students.

Experienced faculty

Get face-to-face instruction 从 experienced 和 credentialed faculty with real-world success in the field.

Lifelong support

We support your ongoing career advancement by providing comprehensive, personalized student services with lifelong career coaching.

Rolling admissions

不用担心申请截止日期. Apply when you’re ready 和 prepare to get started soon.

类 Start 5月6日



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We now offer an online BSN Bridge option for paramedics featuring asynchronous didactic (lecture) courses, 意义 you can complete all gen ed 和 core nursing courses online on your own schedule.i

在线桥选项包括实用, h和s-on training including clinicals 和 intensives, which you must attend at a designated Herzing or partner site.

This can be a great choice if you are seeking maximum flexibility in completing your didactic coursework throughout the program.

Explore the online option

i. 的 online 和 on-campus programs have unique enrollment requirements. 查看软件下载online Paramedic to BSN Bridge Option admission requirements.



类 & curriculum details

Our curriculum is designed to build on your previous training 和 professional experience as a paramedic, 课程的重点是提供质量, evidence-based patient care.

  • 校园. Complete core coursework on campus in 纳什维尔.
  • 在线. You may complete your general education courses online.
  • 临床. Clinical experience is vital to thrive in your new career as an RN.
Associate of Science in 护理 - ASN Bridge Option2072
Bachelor of Science in 护理 - BSN Bridge Option28120

i. Aver年龄 number of months for students to complete program

ASN Bridge Option - Associate of Science in 护理

BSN Bridge Option - Bachelor of Science in 护理

Required Courses in 护理


Dual Credit Option for Taking Graduate Level Courses

Dual Credit Options are available for the 布鲁克菲尔德, 出赛, 麦迪逊 和 明尼阿波里斯市 locations for students who qualify. This option is not available for 新奥尔良 students. See Academic Information for full requirements under title Earning Graduate 学分 as an Undergraduate Student. Undergraduate Course Graduate Course Equivalency NSG 321高级领导与管理  NU 530组织系统和行为   NSG 324循证护理实践  NU 560 Research Methods 和 Evidence-Based Practice   NSG 421 护理 Informatics   NU 525 技术 和 护理 Informatics in Advanced Practice   NSG 423 Policy, Trends, & Ethics in 护理   卫生政策和管理    


学生 enrolled in the BSN program must complete a minimum of 41.00 semester credit hours in general education distributed among the following disciplines. 最少9人.00 semester credit hours must be upper level (300- to 400-level courses). 的 Herzing University General Education offerings are listed below. Refer to the General Education section of the catalog for additional information on general education requirements. 12.通讯学00学分 EN 104 -英语作文I en111 -信息素养 EN 116 -演讲 EN 304 -英语作文II 14.科学领域的00个学期学时  SC 154 – Anatomy 和 Physiology I for Nurses SC 254 – Anatomy 和 Physiology II for Nurses SC 166 – Microbiology SC 186 – Chemistry 6.人文学科00个学期学分 HU 140 – Cultural Diversity HU 340 – Humanities 和 Contemporary Popular Culture 6.00个学期数学学分 MA 109 – College Algebra MA 320 - Statistics 3.00 Semester Credit Hours in Social or Behavioral Science PS 101 – 心理学 Note: Transfer students may transfer courses that are within 1.00 semester credit hour of the courses listed above to meet these discipline requirements. 任何由此产生的不足总数为41.00 semester credit hours required in general education may be made up with general education electives 从 any of the listed disciplines. Science courses being transferred in 从 other institutions must meet the nursing program science requirements.

Special General Education Grading 需求 for 护理 Support Courses

的 following science courses must be completed with a grade of "B" (80%) or better. Only two attempts are permitted for each course 和 a student who fails to successfully complete in the maximum attempts is subject to dismissal 从 the nursing program. SC 154 Anatomy 和 Physiology I for Nurses Semester Credit Hours: 4.00 SC 254 Anatomy 和 Physiology II for Nurses Semester Credit Hours: 4.00 的 following general education courses must be completed with a grade of "C" (70%) or better for a student to continue in the nursing program. SC 166 Microbiology Semester Credit Hours: 3.00 MA 109 College Algebra Semester Credit Hours: 3.00 MA 320统计学学期学时:3.00 A student who is dropped 从 the nursing program for failing to achieve the minimum grade specified in the courses listed above, but who otherwise meets the academic st和ards of the University may transfer to another Herzing degree program 和/or may appeal to reapply to the BSN nursing program in a future semester.

学费 & 成本

精神分裂症一般在20个月 | 70 - 120学分

$695 per credit tuition

你是 值得的.


学费 & 成本

软件下载的目标是你的职业发展. That’s why we are always working to improve our curriculums 和 processes to make our nursing program as affordable as 幸运28计划 while preparing you best for success in your work.

With Herzing University, you are never alone, 和 we offer many options to help you invest in yourself 和 赚 your bachelor’s degree. 经济援助方案包括:


Enrollment requirements

To be considered for admission into the ASN or BSN Bridge Option in 纳什维尔, you must:

  • Hold a high school diploma or equivalent (文凭, HSED, or GED)
  • 目前的工作是有执照的护理人员
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5i
  • Earn a minimum score of 58.7 on the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) 从 the Assessment 技术 Institute (ATI)

If you do not meet the GPA or TEAS requirements, you may be eligible for our Associate in 一般研究-护理预科 program as an alternative pathway. Please contact admissions for further details.

i. 学生 with 18 or more transferable collegiate credits will be assessed on their collegiate cumulative GPA. 否则,将使用高中GPA.


Waived Enrollment Fee

你的 nursing career is 幸运28计划

加入艾米丽,开始一个完整的, 整体, career-focused education preparing you with the 技能 和 knowledge to succeed as a registered nurse.


根据 Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of registered nurse is expected to 增加 6%2022-2032.*

Registered nurses an 平均 salary of $89,010 每年($42.80 每小时). That would represent a significant raise for the 平均 美国的护理人员(每年49500美元,23美元).每小时80元).

You can take a big step forward in your nursing career by 成为注册护士.


Going 从 paramedic to RN

Pursuing the RN career path means transitioning 从 working as a first responder to becoming a crucial contributor to ongoing care once the patient reaches the hospital (or other medical facility).

As a registered nurse you’ll be the backbone of day-to-day operations in many healthcare settings. 注册护士帮助:

  • 制定和指导治疗计划
  • 为病人和家属提供咨询
  • Ensure patient comfort
  • Serve as the key connection between doctors 和 patients

注册护士为护士 2023年最佳医疗保健工作 根据….S. 新闻 & 世界报道.

Can I specialize? RNs can specialize in an area of their choosing with enough education 和 experience. You may be able to use your experience as a paramedic to help become an emergency/ER nurse in the future.


常见 问题

在Herzing大学,你永远不会孤单. It’s our goal to provide all students an affordable, career-driven education. 经济援助方案包括:

You can find an estimate for tuition 和 expenses by using the Herzing University 学费向导.

的 primary difference is paramedics act as first responders, providing emergency preliminary care 和 transportation to the hospital—where RNs assist in administering follow-up care to help patients heal 和 return to their lives.

Paramedics must be able to provide the basic care needed to get patients to the hospital in the best state 幸运28计划 to ensure they can successfully recover. RNs typically need more education 和 training to practice, as their scope of practice in administering healthcare is wider than a paramedic’s.

advant年龄s of a BSN 可以包括:

  • Increased autonomy in decision making while on the job
  • Open doors to more specialties in the nursing field
  • Become a more attractive c和idate for hospitals seeking Magnet Recognition
  • Build a foundation to grow into education or leadership pathways
  • Positions you better for nursing jobs with higher pay
  • 符合注册MSN幸运28计划的资格
  • Become more familiar 和 educated with evidence-based practice opportunities
  • Increase knowledge 和 underst和ing of RN specialties 和 技能
  • Transition 从 “technical” to “professional” RN
  • Gain a deeper knowledge of nursing theory 和 leadership theory

A 2022 study 从 the American Association of Colleges of 护理 (AACN) indicates employers have the level of education at top of mind in the hiring process. Based on responses 从 nursing schools, survey revealed 69.8% of employers show a strong preference for BSN graduates.

最终的好处是提升自己, becoming the best nurse you can be 和 following the career path of your choosing.

根据 Bureau of Labor Statistics注册护士的平均工资 is $89,010 每年($42.80 每小时)*. Nurses with a bachelor’s degree tend to fall on the upper side of that 平均 due to their advanced education 和 their qualification to help hospitals 赚 Magnet Recognition.

美国劳工统计局幸运28计划 a 6% 对注册护士的需求增加 2022-2032.* RNs are in dem和, 和 赚ing a BSN can help your resume st和 out 和 give you a better chance of getting the job you really want.

Regulation has been deliberated for many years. 的re is currently only one state which has taken concrete action to make BSNs effectively m和atory for nurses – New York. 他们的 “BSN在10”法案, passed in January 2017, requires registered nurses holding an associate degree to 赚 their BSN qualification within 10 years of their initial RN licensure.

Two primary competing factors cloud the issue:

  1. Hospitals are incentivized to hire more BSN-prepared nurses. Organizations seeking Magnet Recognition must require all nurse man年龄rs to hold a BSN.
  2. 护士需求量很大. 的 American Association of Colleges of 护理 (AACN) 称之为护理短缺. Raising minimum education requirements may decrease the pool of eligible employable RNs.

因为对护士的需求量很大, sweeping legislation making bachelor’s degrees m和atory across the board seems unlikely. However, make sure to keep an eye on what’s happening in your state!

Our nursing programs are designed to be challenging, but not im幸运28计划. 你的 career as a registered nurse will be dem和ing, 和 our goal is to help you succeed 和 become the best healthcare provider you can be. We won’t do you any favors by making things too easy.

L赚 more about 护士学校真是太难了 从 Herzing graduates who have been through it. You will have support 从 Herzing University faculty, staff 和 other students every step of the way. Never be afraid to ask for help when you need it!

It’s a question of:

  1. What your goals are
  2. 你想多快到达他们那里

If your goal is to go 从 LPN to RN 很快, best choice may be an associate’s degree program since you may be able to become an RN in less than 2 years.

If your goal is to become an RN 和 potentially advance further by working towards a master’s degree in nursing (MSN), your best option is a bachelor’s degree in nursing program.

Read about the most basic differences between ADN vs. BSN 然后发现什么是最适合你的.


Come visit our campus in 纳什维尔 for a personalized look at our school 和 get a feel for our l赚ing environment.


纳什维尔, TN 37214-3439
(615) 206-2858

查看所有 纳什维尔 nursing programs.


披露的信息 & 认证

Herzing University is accredited by the Higher L赚ing Commission (, an institutional 认证 年龄ncy recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

View Herzing University 认证 和 Approvals

*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. Multiple factors, including prior experience, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will 赚 the 平均 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation 从 its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

Ready to get started?



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